Year |
Citation |
Type |
Subject |
2022 |
McCartney, Grace, Oo, Lin Khant, Wardell, Robyn (2022), Planning for an Age Friendly Tompkins County: Looking beyond Land Use. Tompkins County Age Friendly Center for Excellence, Cornell University Dept of City and Reg, Planning.
Extension publication |
Age-Friendly Planning |
2021 |
Warner, M.E. and Zhang X., 2021. “Planning Across Generations: Are we making progress?” CSA Journal, 80 (1) : 40-46.
Extension publication |
Age-Friendly Planning |
2020 |
Xu, Jeremy, 2020. "MULTIAGENCY RESPONSE TO FOOD INSECURITY DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC", Best Practices Report. Tompkins County Age Friendly Center for Excellence, Cornell University Dept of City and Reg, Planning.
Extension publication |
Age Friendly COVID-19 Planning |
2020 |
Turesky, Marisa and Warner, Mildred E. (2020). “Gender Dynamics in the Planning Workplace: The Importance of Women in Management,” Journal of the American Planning Association, 86(2): 157-170. DOI: 10.1080/01944363.2019.1691041
Article in peer-refereed journal |
Gender Planning |
2020 |
Warner, M.E. and Zhang, X. (2020). "Age-Friendly Cities - Do Female Managers Matter?" paper presented at Beyond Representative Bureaucracy: Race, Gender, and Social Equity in Governance, September 2020.
Working paper |
Age-Friendly Planning |
2020 |
Warner, M.E. and Zhang, X. 2020. "Planning for All Ages: Survey Summary."
Extension publication |
Age-Friendly Planning |
2020 |
Warner, Mildred E., Marcela González Rivas and Xue Zhang 2020. "Water Equity, COVID-19 and the Role of US Cities and States," Viewpoint, Town Planning Review, forthcoming.
Article in peer-refereed journal |
COVID-19 Planning |
2020 |
Homsy, George C. and Mildred E. Warner 2020. “Does public ownership of utilities matter for local government water policies?” Utilities Policy, forthcoming."> PMID: 32351260
Article in peer-refereed journal |
COVID-19 Planning |
2018 |
Tou, Erin and Rachel Stein (2018). Age Friendly Sullivan: Perspectives from a Rural County. Cornell University Dept of City and Regional Planning and Cornell Cooperative Extension of Sullivan County. |
Issue brief |
Planning |
2018 |
"Gender Dynamics in Planning Workplaces," Planning with a Gender Lens Issue Brief, by Turesky, M. and Warner, M.E. 2018.
Issue brief |
Gender Planning |
2017 |
Warner, M.E. (2017), "Multigenerational Planning: Theory and Practice," iQuaderni di Urbanistica Tre, No. 14 (Sept - Dec 2017.)
Extension publication |
Planning |
2017 |
Ehab Ebeid, Lan Luo, Graham Murphy, Tishya Rao & Edna Samron, 2017. "Il Tufello: Building a Storng Community Despite the Odds," Neighborhood Report, Rome Neighborhood Workshop.
Extension publication |
Planning |
2017 |
Brooke Shin, Madeleine Galvin, Raphael Laude, & Shareef Hussam, May 2017. "San Giovanni: Living Next to a Transit Corridor" Neighborhood Report, Rome Neighborhood Workshop, Cornell University.
Extension publication |
Planning |
2017 |
Raquel Blandon, Gray Brakke, Eduardo Carmelo Danobeytia, Joshua Glasser, Amelia Visnauskas, May 2017. "Pineta Sacchetti: a village without a name." Neighborhood Report. Rome Neighborhood Workshop. Cornell University.
Extension publication |
Planning |
2017 |
Adam Bronfin, Rachel Liu, Steven Switzer & Kai Walcott, (2017) Can Regeneration be Multigenerational? A Case Study of Child and Age Friendliness in Piazza Alessandria. Rome Workshop. Cornell University.
Extension publication |
Planning |
2017 |
"Local Institutions Matter: Building a Neighborhood for All Generations," Ehab Ebeid, Lan Luo, Graham Murphy, Tishya Rao & Edna Samron, May 2017. Rome Neighborhood Workshop.
Extension publication |
Planning |
2017 |
"Living Next to a Transit Corridor -- A Livability Audit for Children and Elders," Brooke Shin, Madeleine Galvin, Raphael Laude, & Shareef Hussam, May 2017. Rome Neighborhood Workshop.
Extension publication |
Planning |
2017 |
"Hearing the Voices of Children and Elders," Raquel Blandon, Gray Brakke, Eduardo Carmelo Danobeytia, Joshua Glasser, Amelia Visnauskas, May 2017. Rome Neighborhood Workshop.
Extension publication |
Planning |
2017 |
"Walkability: It's Not all About Design," Adam Bronfin, Rachel Liu, Steven Switzer & Kai Walcott, May 2017. Rome Neighborhood Workshop.
Extension publication |
Planning |
2017 |
Warner, Mildred E. 2017. “De la Competencia a la Cooperación: Reformas de la Administración Pública para Ciudades Sostenibles”. (From Competition to Cooperation – Public Administration Reforms for Sustainable Cities) Revista del CLAD: Reforma y Democracia. No 67: 7-32.
Professionally reviewed publication |
Decentralization Intermunicipal Cooperation Planning Privatization Sustainability |
2017 |
Schaller, Susanna, Wagner, K.C. and Warner, M.E. (2017). Creating a City for Workers: Union Strategies on Child Care in NYC, pp in Unions and the City: Negotiating Urban Change, ed. by Ian T. MacDonald, Cornell University ILR Press, Ithaca, NY.
Book chapter |
Child Care Economic Development Planning |
2017 |
Warner, M.E., Homsy, G. H and Morken L. M. (2017). Planning for Aging in Place: Stimulating a Market and Government Response, Journal of Planning Education and Research, 37(1): 29-42. DOI: 10.1177/0739456X16642824
Article in peer-refereed journal |
Planning |
2016 |
Canfield, AJ, Rachel Stein and Erin Tou (2016). Supporting Sullivan Seniors, Youth and Children, Cornell University Dept of City and Regional Planning and Cornell Cooperative Extension of Sullivan County, NY. |
Extension publication |
Planning |
2016 |
Homsy, G.C., Warner, M.E. and Liao, L. (2016). Sustainability and Local Governments: Planning Helps Balance Environmental, Economic, and Social Equity Priorities. Local Government Review, pp 5-14. Washington, DC: International City County Management Association.
Professionally reviewed publication |
Planning Sustainability |
2015 |
Homsy, G.C., Abrams G., & Monastra, V. (2015). "Incentive Zoning: Understanding a Market-based Planning Tool." Ithaca, NY: Cornell University, Shared Services Project.
Issue brief |
Planning |
2015 |
Micklow, Amanda, Beth Kancilia, Mildred Warner, 2015. "The Need to Plan for Women," Planning with a Gender Lens Issue Brief, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
Issue brief |
Child Care Gender Planning |
2015 |
Choi, M. and Warner, M.E. (2015). "Collaboration: The key to building communities for all generations", in The Municipal Yearbook 2015, Washington, D.C.: International City County Management Association.
Issue brief |
Planning |
2015 |
Warner, M.E. 2015. "Profiting from Public Values: The Case of Social Impact Bonds," in pp 143-160 in Creating Public Value in Practice, ed. By Bryson, John, Crosby, Barbara and Bloomberg, Laura, New York: CRC Press, Taylor and Francis.
Book chapter |
Economic Development Planning |
2014 |
Micklow, Amanda and Mildred E. Warner. (2014). "Not Your Mother's Suburb: Remaking Communities for a More Diverse Population," The Urban Lawyer, 46(4): 729-751.
Article in peer-refereed journal |
Planning |
2013 |
Warner, M.E. (2013). "Private Interest in Public Finance: Social Impact Bonds," Journal of Economic Policy Reform, 16(4): 303-319.
Article in peer-refereed journal |
Planning |
2013 |
Madfis, Haylee. 2013. "The Planning Gender Gap." Issue Brief. Ithaca, NY: Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.
Issue brief |
Gender Planning |
2013 |
Warner, M.E. et al. 2013. "Overview: Planning for Multigenerational Communities." Issue Brief. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University.
Issue brief |
Planning |
2013 |
Long, V. and Li, X. 2013. "Diverse Localities: Demographics Matter." Issue Brief. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University.
Issue brief |
Planning |
2013 |
Long, V. 2013. "Communicating the Needs of Our Children." Issue Brief. Ithaca, NY: Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.
Issue brief |
Planning |
2013 |
Dunn, D. 2013. "Making it Work: Designing Neighborhood Schools for the Entire Community." Issue Brief. Ithaca, NY: Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.
Issue brief |
Planning |
2013 |
Zaire, D. and Rivin, A. 2013. "Informal Networks: A New Arena for Planning Intervention." Issue Brief. Ithaca, NY: Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.
Issue brief |
Planning |
2013 |
Rivin, A. 2013. "Funding Opportunities for Multigenerational Planning." Issue Brief. Ithaca, NY: Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.
Issue brief |
Planning |
2013 |
North, T. 2013. "Multigenerational Schoolyards: Capturing the Full Potential of Joint Use Agreements." Issue Brief. Ithaca, NY: Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.
Issue brief |
Planning |
2013 |
Li, X. 2013. "Reconnecting Planning to Health: The Multigenerational Approach." Issue Brief. Ithaca, NY: Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.
Issue brief |
Planning |
2013 |
Warner, Mildred E. and Lydia Morken. 2013. "Building Child- and Age-Friendly Communities in Tight Fiscal Times." The ICMA Municipal Year Book 2013. (Washington, D.C.: ICMA, 2013), 47-56.
Professionally reviewed publication |
Planning |
2013 |
Warner, M.E. and Joseph Rukus. 2013. "Planning for Family-Friendly Communities: Motivators, Barriers, and Benefits." Issue Brief. Ithaca, NY: Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.
Issue brief |
Planning |
2013 |
Warner, M.E. and J. Rukus (2013), "Planners Role in Creating Family Friendly Communities: Action, Participation and Resistance," Journal of Urban Affairs, 35(5): 627-644.
Article in peer-refereed journal |
Planning |
2013 |
Rukus, Joseph and Mildred Warner, (2013). "Crime Rates and Collective Efficacy: The Role of Family Friendly Planning," Cities, (31) 37–46.
Article in peer-refereed journal |
Planning |
2012 |
Morken, L. and Baran-Rees, R. 2012. "Joint Use: School Community Collaboration." Issue Brief. Ithaca, NY: Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.
Issue brief |
Intermunicipal Cooperation Planning |
2012 |
Morken, L. and Warner, M. 2012. "Planning for the Aging Population: Rural Responses to the Challenge." Ithaca, NY: Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.
Issue brief |
Planning |
2012 |
Morken, L. 2012. "New York City and Atlanta: Cities Plan for the Aging Population." Ithaca, NY: Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.
Issue brief |
Planning |
2012 |
Warner, M.E. And Baran-Rees, R. 2012. "The Economic Importance of Families with Children." Issue Brief. Ithaca, NY:Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.
Issue brief |
Child Care Economic Development Planning |
2011 |
Ghazaleh, R. A., Greenhouse, E., Homsy, G. and Warner, M. (2011). "Using Smart Growth and Universal Design to Link the Needs of Children and the Aging Population." APA Briefing Paper.
Professionally reviewed publication |
Planning |
2011 |
Warner, M.E. 2011. "Club Goods and Local Government: Questions for Planners," Journal of the American Planning Association, 77(2): 155-166.
Article in peer-refereed journal |
Planning Privatization |
2010 |
Imbriano, Kathleen R. "Parks, open space and recreation: Expanding lifestyle amenities for families." 2010. Issue Brief. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University.
Issue brief |
Planning |
2010 |
Greenhouse, Esther, George Homsy and Mildred E. Warner. 2010. "Multi-generational community planning: Linking the needs of children and elders." Issue Brief. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University,
Issue brief |
Child Care Economic Development Planning |
2009 |
Hoover, Kathleen. 2009. "Expanding Lifestyle Amenities for Families: Parks and Recreation." Issue brief, Linking Economic Development and Child Care Project. Ithaca, NY: Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.
Issue brief |
Child Care Economic Development Planning |
2009 |
Kwon, Jinwoo. 2009. "Transportation and Family Friendly Communities." Issue brief, Linking Economic Development and Child Care Project. Ithaca, NY: Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.
Issue brief |
Child Care Economic Development Planning |
2009 |
Gutierrez, Erica. 2009. "Housing and Family-Friendly Communities." Issue brief, Linking Economic Development and Child Care Project. Ithaca, NY: Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.
Issue brief |
Child Care Economic Development Planning |
2009 |
McAvey, Kevin C. 2009. "Reaching Out: Youth and Family Participation." Issue brief, Linking Child Care and Economic Development Project. Ithaca, NY: Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.
Issue brief |
Child Care Economic Development Planning |
2009 |
Olson, Brianna. 2009. "Comprehensive Planning for Family-Friendly Communities." Issue Brief. Ithaca, NY: Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University.
Issue brief |
Planning |
2008 |
Caltrans and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission, Child Care Coordinating Council of San Mateo, Local Investment in Child Care (2008). Child Care and Transit: Making the Link in California Transit.
Consulting and project report |
Child Care Economic Development Planning |
2008 |
Israel, Evelyn and Mildred Warner 2008. "Planning for Family Friendly Communities," PAS Memo, American Planning Association, Chicago, IL. November 2008.
Professionally reviewed publication |
Planning |
2006 |
Warner, Mildred E. "Child Care and Economic Development: The Role for Planners." PAS Memo, American Planning Association. Jan./Feb. 2006
Professionally reviewed publication |
Child Care Economic Development Planning |