Micklow, Amanda, Beth Kancilia, Mildred Warner, 2015. "The Need to Plan for Women," Planning with a Gender Lens Issue Brief, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
To gather information about the extent to which planners are considering gender in their practice, the Planning and Women Division of the American Planning Association (APA) collaborated with the Women’s Planning Forum (WPF) of Cornell University from 2013 to 2015 to develop and analyze a national survey of practicing planners. We wanted to know if planners are also concerned about gender in their work, what they are doing to address the specific needs of women, and if they have identified overlap in planning for aging and for women. The survey, conducted from October to December of 2014, found that planners are less likely to plan for women than they are for aging, but attention to aging can increase sensitivity to gender concerns. The survey also revealed that many planners do not know what it means to plan for women. Thus, planning for aging provides planners with an agenda to move toward more gender sensitive planning.
Subject: Child Care,Gender,Planning