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Homsy, G.C., Warner, M.E. and Liao, L. (2016). Sustainability and Local Governments: Planning Helps Balance Environmental, Economic, and Social Equity Priorities. Local Government Review, pp 5-14. Washington, DC: International City County Management Association.

ICMA’s 2015 Local Government Sustainability Practices Survey sought to measure actions, drivers of action, and ways that municipalities and counties measure progress on sustainability. The survey reveals that the economy remains a primary concern of local governments. However, many local governments now recognize the important role that environmental protection plays in establishing a foundation for both shortand long-term economic development. Unfortunately, the survey also shows that attention to sustainability’s third dimension, social equity, lags behind. Sustainability requires that local governments give attention to all three legs of the sustainability stool – economic development, environmental
sustainability, and social equity.

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Subject: Planning,Sustainability