Data Source |
Type of Source |
Data Available |
In Cornell Database? |
Bureau of Labor Statistics - Current Population Survey (CPS) |
Federal Survey Data |
Income and poverty status, labor force and work experience, educational attainment, family & household characteristics & living conditions, demographics, participation in welfare programs (child care subsidies, WIC, Child Health Insurance, Food Stamps, Job training). Child Care variables include number of children in paid care while parents work; number of children that needed non-parental care while parents worked, number of children receiving child care assistance. |
Bureau of Labor Statistics - Quarterly Census of Employment Wages (QCEW) |
Federal Administrative data |
Number of establishments; monthly employment; weekly and annual wages for child care workers; and total annual employment compensation. |
Yes: see data for 2002
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) - Tax Statistics |
Federal Administrative Data |
Child care tax credit (aggregate number of returns and dollar amount) |
Yes: see data for Tax Year 2001
US Census Bureau - County Business Patterns (CBP) |
Federal Administrative data |
Number of establishment by number of employees; annual payroll; number of employees |
Yes: see data for 2001
US Census Bureau - Nonemployer Statistics |
Federal Administrative Data |
Number of establishments and receipts |
Yes: see data for 2001
Children's Defense Fund |
Organizations that Collect Data on Early Care and Education |
Demographics, economic conditions, early care and education, income support programs, health, and education. |
U.S. Department of Agriculture - Food and Nutrition Services Program (FNS) |
Federal Administrative Data |
Number of meals served, average daily attendance, funding, and eligibility guidelines |
Yes: see data for Child and Adult Food Program
US Department of Education -National Center for Education Statistics, Common Core of Data |
Federal Administrative Data |
Enrollment in public pre-kindergarten, enrollment in public kindergarten; children eligible for free lunch; children eligible for reduced price lunch |
Yes: see data for academic year 2001-2002
US Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) - Administration of Children and Family Services, Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) |
Federal Administrative Data |
TANF expenditure, data on transitional services to families that have ceased to receive cash assistance because they have found employment. |
Yes: see TANF 2002 expenditure data
US Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) -Administration of Children and Family Services, Social Services Block Grant (SSBG) |
Federal Administrative Data |
Total number of adults and children served and the amount expended for each service category |
Yes: see SSBG 2001 data
US Department of Health and Human Services -Administration of Children and Family Services, Child Care Bureau |
Federal Administrative Data |
CCDF Funding (Federal and State Allocations); average monthly families and children served; children served by payment method, children served by types of care, number of child care providers receiving CCDF funds, children served by reason for care, children served by age group. |
Yes: see data for FY 2001 and 2002
US Department of Health and Human Services -Administration of Children and Family Services, Head Start Bureau |
Federal Administrative Data |
Head Start Funding, Head Start enrollment, age and racial/ethnic composition (only at national level) |
Yes: see data for FY 2002
Bureau of Labor Statistics - Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics (OES) |
Federal Survey Data |
Number of employees, median and average annual wage, median hourly wage, |
Yes: see data for 2002
US Census Bureau - Decennial Census |
Federal Census Data |
Median family and household income; unemployment rate; family income distribution, population by age; number of children by age and employment status of parents; poverty status by age; and female over 16 years of age by employment status and age of own children, school enrolment (public and private) for nursery school, pre-school, kindergarten |
Yes: see data for 2000
US Census Bureau - Survey of Income and Program Particpation (SIPP) |
Federal Survey Data |
Health, disability, & physical well-being, earned income, child care & financial support, education & employment, family & household characteristics & living conditions, Demographics, welfare reform (safety net programs - participation and eligibility). Information on child care includes: information on all child care arrangements, for all children under 15, from mothers, single fathers, or guardians, regardless of labor force status. Those with children under age 15 are asked about the type of child care arrangements, who provides the care, the number of hours of care per week, where the care is provided, and the cost of the care. |
US Census Bureau - Economic Census |
Federal Survey Data |
Number of establishments by number of employees; annual payroll; number of employees; Receipts |
Yes: see data for 1997
Child Trends - Databank |
Organizations that Collect Data on Children and Families |
Family and community, health, demographics, social and emotional development, income and work, education and skills. |
US Department of Education - National Center for Education Statistics, National Household Education Survey (NHES) |
Federal Survey Data |
ECPP Survey (Children's participation in formal and informal nonparent care and education programs, characteristics of care arrangements, numbers of children and care providers in arrangement); SR survey (children's home literacy activities with family members, school adjustment, early school experiences); and extensive background and household information was also collected about children and their families. |
Urban Institute and Child Trends - National Survey of American Families |
National Survey Data |
Health status, heath care coverage, health care access and use, child education, child care (child care arrangements by type, number of hours per week in child care, primary child care arrangement, number of child care arrangements used each week, cost of care, number of adults at the child�s care group, number of children at the child�s care group, financial support�employer and government�to pay for child care), employment and earnings, family income, welfare program participation, demographics, child and family well being. |
Annie Casey Foundation - Kids Count Data Book |
Organizations that Collect Data on Children and Families |
Ten key indicators comprise an index of child well-being used to rank states: percent low birth-weight babies; infant mortality rate; child death rate; rate of teen deaths by accident, homicide, and suicide; teen birth rate; percent of children living with parents who do not have full-time, year-round employment; percent of teens who are high school dropouts; percent of teens not attending school and not working; percent of children in poverty; and percent of families with children headed by a single-parent. The Data Book also provides background information for each state, including demographic, education, health, and economic conditions. |
Annie Casey Foundation - Kids Count-Census Data Online |
Organizations that Collect Data on Children and Families |
Age and sex, race, Hispanic origin, living arrangements, education, language, and disability status, poverty status by age group employment, |
Annie Casey Foundation - Kids Count -Census Data |
Organizations that Collect Data on Children and Families |
Births to teens; births to teens who were already mothers; births to unmarried women; births to mothers with less than 12 years of education; births to mothers receiving late or no prenatal care; births to mothers who smoked during pregnancy; low-birthweight births (less than 5.5 pounds); and pre-term births (less than 37 weeks of gestation). |
Annie Casey Foundation - Kids Count database - CLIKS (County-City-Community Level Information on Kids) |
Organizations that Collect Data on Children and Families |
Most states have some basic demographic indicators of child well-being. The number and type of variables vary by state. In some states there is data available on income and poverty. |
Child Care and Early Education Research Connections- launched by the National Center for Children in Poverty, the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research at the University of Michigan, and the Child Care Bureau of the U.S. Department |
Organizations that Collect Data on Early Care and Education |
Demographics, economic conditions, child care policy, and government expenditure in early care and education programs. |
Food Research and Action Center |
Organizations that Collect Data on Early Care and Education |
Average daily attendace, number of participating schools, number of participating child care centers and family home care providers; expenditure on food programs; number of children and adults served. |
National Center for Children in Poverty - Let's Invest in Families Today (LIFT) |
Organizations that Collect Data on Children and Families |
State and Federal policies that assist low-income families and children, including policy rules, children's age and race/ethnicity, income status, education level, family structure, and employment status of parents, income distribution, wages and employment, and housing costs and home ownership. |
National Child Care Information Center (NCCIC) - State databases |
Organizations that Collect Data on Early Care and Education |
Average wage for ealy care and education workers, child care licensing and regulations; number of licensed child care providers, Child Care and Development Funds (CCDF) allocations; number of children and families served by CCDF; TANF transfer to CCDF, early education enrollment by program; number of children and families served by subsidies, population estimates; median income for family of four; percentage of children with working parents, poverty status by age group. |
National Institute for Early Education (NIEER) - State Preschool Yearbook 2003 |
Organizations that Collect Data on Children and Families |
Program participation and rules (State pre-kindergarten and Head Start Enrollment as Percentage of Total Population, school districts that offer state program, income requirement, hours of operation, operating schedule, special education enrollment, Federally-funded Head Start enrollment, State-funded Head Start enrollment); Quality Benchmarks (curriculum standards, teacher degree requirements, teacher specialized training requirements, assistant teacher degree requirements, teacher in-service requirement, maximum class size, staff-child ratio, screening/referral requirements, family support service requirements, meal requirements); Financial Resources (total state pre-kindergarten spending, local match required, state spending per child enrolled in state pre-kindergarten, State spending per 3-year-old, State spending per 4-year-old, Head Start per child spending, k-12 per child spending. |
National Institute for Early Education (NIEER) - State Data Bank |
Organizations that Collect Data on Early Care and Education |
Average wage for early care and education workers, child /staff ratios for different programs; maximum group size, number of children enrolled in early education programs |
Urban Institute - Welfare Rules Database |
Organizations that Collect Data on Early Care and Education |
eligibility, timelimits, benefits, behavioral requirements and others. |