50 State Database
Bureau of Labor Statistics - Quarterly Census of Employment Wages (QCEW)
Type of Source: Describes the type of data source: federal administrative data, federal survey, survey conducted by private/nonprofit organizations, and other databases created by non-governmental organizations |
Federal Administrative data |
Source Description and Coverage: Describes how data is collected and the sample representation |
The QCEW is a program of the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and the State Employment Security Agencies (SESAs). The QCEW program collects data on employment and wages for workers covered by State Unemployment Insurance (UI) laws and Federal workers covered by the Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees (UCFE) program. The QCEW data are considered by many to be the most accurate data source on employment and wages because QCEW estimates are annual averages, while the Economic Census and County Business Patterns are only point-in-time estimates. The QCEW program does not include data on nonemployer establishments (self-employed). This source provides only the aggregate number of establishments and does not distinguish between type of care (center or family care providers) or licensed and unlicensed care. |
Data Available: Includes a description of all variables available |
Number of establishments; monthly employment; weekly and annual wages for child care workers; and total annual employment compensation. |
Child Care Economic Data? Coded as yes if data source has data on size of child care sector (number of establishments, number of employees, wages and gross receipts) |
Yes |
Demographic Data? Coded as yes if data source has data on demographics of families and children. |
No |
Early Care and Education Program Data? Coded as yes if data source has data on public and private early care and education enrollment, funding, and regulations. |
No |
Geographic Level: Describes the geographic levels for which data is available |
National; state; county, and metropolitan area |
Year Available: Gives the year for the most recent data available for each source (as of 2004) |
data are available annually |
Link to Cornell Methodology Guide: Links the user to relevant section of the methodology guide for more description about data uses |
Appendix B |
Raw Data: Links the user to the website of the organization collecting the data, so user can access the raw data |
http://www.bls.gov/cew/home.htm |
In Cornell database? Links the user to Cornell's quantitative database which has a sampling of the most recent data available (as of 2004) for several of the sources listed here. |
Yes: see data for 2002 |
Link to Variable Descriptions: | http://www.bls.gov/opub/hom/homch5_itc.htm |
Variables: |
Average Annual Wage for Child Care Workers
Average Weekly Wage for Child Care Workers Number of Establishments Number of Employees Key: Economic Data Demographic Data Early Care and Education Program Data |