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50 State Database

Child Trends - Databank

Type of Source:
Describes the type of data source: federal administrative data, federal survey, survey conducted by private/nonprofit organizations, and other databases created by non-governmental organizations

Organizations that Collect Data on Children and Families
Source Description and Coverage:
Describes how data is collected and the sample representation
The Child Trends Databank provides data for over 80 national key indicators of child and youth well-being. The database provides graphics and tables that can be downloaded directly into reports and presentations. The database also provides links that provide organized access to additional information available for each indicator including, state, local, and international estimates, selected current research, original source documents.
Data Available:
Includes a description of all variables available
Family and community, health, demographics, social and emotional development, income and work, education and skills.
Child Care Economic Data?
Coded as yes if data source has data on size of child care sector (number of establishments, number of employees, wages and gross receipts)
Demographic Data?
Coded as yes if data source has data on demographics of families and children.
Early Care and Education Program Data?
Coded as yes if data source has data on public and private early care and education enrollment, funding, and regulations.
Geographic Level:
Describes the geographic levels for which data is available
Mostly national with some links to state and local level data.
Year Available:
Gives the year for the most recent data available for each source (as of 2004)
Database is constantly updated with the most current data available for each item
Raw Data:
Links the user to the website of the organization collecting the data, so user can access the raw data
In Cornell database? Not available in Cornell database