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This page covers Professor Warner's research on national and New York state trends in local government restructuring.


Warner, M.E. and Amir Hefetz 2004.  "Pragmatism over Politics: Alternative Service Delivery in Local Government, 1992-2002," pp 8-16 in The Municipal Year Book 2004. Washington, DC: International City County Management Association.

Warner, M.E. with Mike Ballard and Amir Hefetz, 2003. "Contracting Back In - When Privatization Fails," Chapter 4, pp. 30-36 in The ICMA Municipal Year Book 2003. Washington, DC: International City County Management Association.

Warner, M.E. 2001. "Local Government Support for Community-Based Economic Development," pp 21-27 chapter in The Municipal Year Book 2001. Washington, DC: International City County Management Association.

See also Privatization and the Market Structuring Role of Local Government, by Mildred Warner and Amir Hefetz, presented at the Economic Policy Institute's Conference on Privatization: Issues, Trends and Alternatives, January 2001.

New York State

A survey completed in 1996 and 1997 yielded results about service delivery restructuring among towns and counties in New York State. The summary of survey results presents the key findings of the survey, accompanied by graphic illustrations. You can also search the database created from the survey results to find out more about specific instances of restructuring in New York State towns and counties.

See also Warner, M.E. and Robert Hebdon. 2001 "Local Government Restructuring: Privatization and Its Alternatives," Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 20(2):315-336. (Earlier version CRP Working Paper #179).