Year |
Citation |
Type |
Subject |
2019 |
Gradus, Homsy, Liao, & Warner, (2019). “Which US municipalities adopt Pay-As-You-Throw and curbside recycling?” Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 143: 178-183. |
Article in peer-refereed journal |
Sustainability |
2018 |
Homsy, George, Zhilin Liu, Mildred Warner 2018. “Multilevel Governance: Framing the Integration of Top- Down and Bottom-Up Policymaking,” International Journal of Public Administration |
Article in peer-refereed journal |
Sustainability |
2017 |
Warner, Mildred E. 2017. “De la Competencia a la Cooperación: Reformas de la Administración Pública para Ciudades Sostenibles”. (From Competition to Cooperation – Public Administration Reforms for Sustainable Cities) Revista del CLAD: Reforma y Democracia. No 67: 7-32.
Professionally reviewed publication |
Decentralization Intermunicipal Cooperation Planning Privatization Sustainability |
2016 |
Homsy, G.C., Warner, M.E. and Liao, L. (2016). Sustainability and Local Governments: Planning Helps Balance Environmental, Economic, and Social Equity Priorities. Local Government Review, pp 5-14. Washington, DC: International City County Management Association.
Professionally reviewed publication |
Planning Sustainability |
2016 |
Clifton, Judith, Daniel Diaz Fuentes, and Mildred Warner. (2016). "The loss of public values when public shareholders go abroad." Utilities Policy. 40: 134-143.
Article in peer-refereed journal |
Sustainability |
2015 |
Homsy, George. (2015). "Powering sustainability: Municipal utilities and local government policymaking." Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy: 0(0): 1-19.
Article in peer-refereed journal |
Sustainability |
2015 |
Homsy, George and Mildred Warner. (2015). "Cities and Sustainability: Polycentric Action and Multilevel Governance." Urban Affairs Review, 51(1): 46-73.
Article in peer-refereed journal |
Sustainability |
2013 |
Homsy, G.C. and Warner, M.E. (2013) "Defying the Odds: Sustainability in Small and Rural Places." Briefing paper. Washington, DC: International City County Management Association.
Professionally reviewed publication |
Sustainability |
2013 |
Homsy, George and Mildred Warner. (2013). "Climate Change and the Co-Production of Knowledge and Policy in Rural USA Communities." Sociologia Ruralis: 53(3): 291-310.
Article in peer-refereed journal |
Sustainability |