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Year Citation Type Subject
2019 Gradus, Homsy, Liao, & Warner, (2019). “Which US municipalities adopt Pay-As-You-Throw and curbside recycling?” Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 143: 178-183. Article in peer-refereed journal Sustainability
2018 Homsy, George, Zhilin Liu, Mildred Warner 2018. “Multilevel Governance: Framing the Integration of Top- Down and Bottom-Up Policymaking,” International Journal of Public Administration Article in peer-refereed journal Sustainability
2017 Warner, Mildred E. 2017. “De la Competencia a la Cooperación: Reformas de la Administración Pública para Ciudades Sostenibles”. (From Competition to Cooperation – Public Administration Reforms for Sustainable Cities) Revista del CLAD: Reforma y Democracia. No 67: 7-32. Professionally reviewed publication Decentralization Intermunicipal Cooperation Planning Privatization Sustainability
2016 Homsy, G.C., Warner, M.E. and Liao, L. (2016). Sustainability and Local Governments: Planning Helps Balance Environmental, Economic, and Social Equity Priorities. Local Government Review, pp 5-14. Washington, DC: International City County Management Association. Professionally reviewed publication Planning Sustainability
2016 Clifton, Judith, Daniel Diaz Fuentes, and Mildred Warner. (2016). "The loss of public values when public shareholders go abroad." Utilities Policy. 40: 134-143. Article in peer-refereed journal Sustainability
2015 Homsy, George. (2015). "Powering sustainability: Municipal utilities and local government policymaking." Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy: 0(0): 1-19. Article in peer-refereed journal Sustainability
2015 Homsy, George and Mildred Warner. (2015). "Cities and Sustainability: Polycentric Action and Multilevel Governance." Urban Affairs Review, 51(1): 46-73. Article in peer-refereed journal Sustainability
2013 Homsy, G.C. and Warner, M.E. (2013) "Defying the Odds: Sustainability in Small and Rural Places." Briefing paper. Washington, DC: International City County Management Association. Professionally reviewed publication Sustainability
2013 Homsy, George and Mildred Warner. (2013). "Climate Change and the Co-Production of Knowledge and Policy in Rural USA Communities." Sociologia Ruralis: 53(3): 291-310. Article in peer-refereed journal Sustainability