Chapter Summary
Katz, Michael (2001). The American Welfare State, Chapter 1 in The Price of Citizenship: Redefining the American Welfare State.
Michael Katz delineates the current state of social policy in the
Architecture of the American Welfare State
Katz argues that US citizens, blinded by the belief that welfare disproportionally benefits the undeserving poor, fail to recognize the full spectrum of public welfare sources. Katz outlines two main types of welfare provision: 1) public sector and 2) private. Public provision includes a) public assistance (such as Aid to Families with Dependent Children), b) public insurance (such as Social Security and unemployment insurance) (10) and c) taxation, such as the Earned Income Tax Credit. Private sector provision comes from independent (soup kitchens and religious charities) and private providers (employer subsidized health care and pension funds).
Welfare and the Conservative Agenda
Perceptions of public assistance have been shaped by the ascension of political conservatism during the 1970s and 1980s. Business interests opposition was grounded in the argument that the welfare state increased their costs by raising taxes and wages. Concurrently, middle class [white] Americans experienced falling real wages and saw the implementation of desegregation and affirmative action policies. Katz writes, [i]nstead of directing anger at the wealthy and powerful, the fusion of race and taxes deflected the hostility of the hard-pressed lower-and middle-class Americans toward disadvantaged minorities and, in the process, eroded support for the welfare state (19). Demographic and political trends, the growth of the suburbs and the
The conservative ideology put in place during the Reagan Administration brought together three intellectual strands - economic, social and nationalist, which reversed the federal assistance programs, devolved power to the states, and placed more emphasis on private sector delivery of public goods (26). Welfare and public assistance became recast as privilege to be earned. The culmination of this effort came when President Clinton, a Democrat whose election signified that the center of