Town of Russia (population 2587)
Name of service/government operation: oneida county
Form of sharing: piggy-back on their fuel bids
Services affected: purchasing fuel for
Year started: 1213
Partners: oneida county and town of russia
Primary goal(s)/motivation(s): to purchase fuel at a better bid price than we as a small town ( 2,400) can get
What planning process preceded the sharing? a number of phone calls to oneida county and the fuel company. In the end, we just need to make sure we were allowed to do it by our procurement policy and then making sure we had complete compiles of the bid rules and bid results in our possession
What governance structures and/or agreements are required to maintain this agreement? we look at in yearly to make sure we are still getting best bargain
Challenges: none
Benefits: money savings
Impact on budget: about 1% saving on fuel
Impact on labor: none
Impact on service: none
Key contact: frances donley town supervisor email (315)826-3432