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Town of Russia (population 2587)

Name of service/government operation: Herkimer county

Form of sharing: road maintenance--- plowing and minor repairs

Services affected: road maintenance maintaining county roads located within town of Russia boundaries-Herkimer county

Year started: more than 50 years for roads

Partners: Herkimer county

Primary goal(s)/motivation(s): saving money while maintaining the same level of road maintenance

What planning process preceded the sharing? Herkimer county has been in effect fro over 50 years- but we do re negotiate the contract and dollar amounts every 5 years.

What governance structures and/or agreements are required to maintain this agreement? nothing too special. each entity must uphold their agreements. here in our town offices we monitor monthly prices and also make sure we receive timely payment when due

Benefits: Herkimer county- getting paid to plow county roads is nothing but a plus for us. being a rural area- we must travel county roads to get to our town roads. so we are getting paid to travel necessary routs. also it help the count- as they can not afford to travel such long distances to plow.

Impact on budget: it definitely helps. I think we should get a higher dollar per mile as the coat of fuel has double since our last contract renewal, that we be our next issue.

Impact on labor: no impact

Impact on service: no impact

Key contact: frances donley town supervisor email--- (315)826-3432