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Town of Caneadea (population 2542)

Name of service/government operation: Shared Assessment and shared Code Enforcement

Form of sharing: tax assessment and code enforcement

Services affected: assessing and code enforcement

Year started: don't recall for sure about 10 years ago or so

Partners: Towns: Caneadea, Rushford, Hume.....others joined over the years

Primary goal(s)/motivation(s): To save money and have authority over the assessors and code enforcers.

What planning process preceded the sharing? Three town supervisors and our mutual attorney discussed ideas.

What governance structures and/or agreements are required to maintain this agreement? The town supervisors meet at least annually and agree to any needed changes or adjustments to the agreement. The head assessor and the head code enforcer basically report to the Rushford and Caneadea Supervisors who more or less oversee the programs. Any needed actions are taken by all the Supervisors of the towns involved.

Challenges: never been any real issues

Benefits: Cost savings and control

Impact on budget: very positive

Impact on labor: actually has been a positive as it provided fulltime employment for two and now part time employment for two more more job ssecurity

Impact on service: much better service more consistent

Key contact: Philip G. Stockin Supervisor Town of Caneadea