Town of Alexander (population 2534)
Name of service/government operation: Snow and Ice control
Form of sharing: Contract for snow removal
Services affected: plowing some of the State roads in Alexander
Year started: ?
Partners: NYS DOT and Town of Alexander Highway Dept.
Primary goal(s)/motivation(s): Facilitating plowing Town roads as part of a route rather than driving to Town roads with the plow raised.
What planning process preceded the sharing? unknown. This has been done for many years
What governance structures and/or agreements are required to maintain this agreement? Contract with the NYS DOT
Challenges: Budgeting and annual reporting
Benefits: Facilitating plowing Town roads as part of a route rather than driving to Town roads with the plow raised.
Impact on budget: Net zero impact
Impact on labor: Net zero impact
Impact on service: localized plowing for residents on these State roads.
Key contact: Tom Lowe, Highway Superintendent