City of Tonawanda (population 15130)
Name of service/government operation: Town of Tonawanda/City of Tonawanda
Form of sharing: Shared Assessor
Services affected: Property Tax Assessment
Year started: 2012
Partners: Town of Tonawanda/City of Tonawanda
Primary goal(s)/motivation(s): Save money for each entity
What planning process preceded the sharing? Anticipated retirements of Assessor in each jurisdiction and the search for a replacement
What governance structures and/or agreements are required to maintain this agreement? Payment by the City to the Town on a monthly basis for its cost of the shared service, approximately $3300 per month
Challenges: Implementation of computer applications, web based interfaces for public to access information without having to rely on staff
Benefits: Reduction of work force, maintained expertise of licensed assessor
Impact on budget: Approximate annual savings $40,000, in salary and benefits
Impact on labor: Shared assessor with Town of Tonawanda, works two days at City of Tonawanda
Impact on service: none
Key contact: David Marrano, Assessor 716-695-8638