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Town of Philadelphia (population 1947)

Name of service/government operation: Indian River Central School / Town of Philadelphia Shared Transportation Facility

Form of sharing: Town leases 40% of facility

Services affected: snow plowing and paving; large equipment per schools need to pay lease

Year started: 1999

Partners: Town of Philadelphia & Indian River Central School; Town sublets to NYS and Jefferson County

Primary goal(s)/motivation(s): Provided a new highway facility; lowest fuel prices to Town & other entities; Towns willingness to partner made 90% funding available to School; Town lease can be paid in services provided at lower cost to school

What planning process preceded the sharing? Several years of working together with contractor and the school

What governance structures and/or agreements are required to maintain this agreement? Originally a 10 year lease followed by a renewable 5 year lease; A meeting held once a year between parties

Challenges: Scheduling during road work season for the Town and completing requirements to fulfill lease payment work;

Benefits: cost savings for taxpayers; Town needed a new barn and could never have afforded one with the amenities that are in the present facility

Impact on budget: There are no building maintenance or repair expenses; no power or insurance costs;all are inclusive with the lease. Fuel is the lowest we could purchase it for

Impact on labor: The work force has a pleasant, clean, spacious facility with state of the art amenities, which makes for willing and happy employees

Impact on service: services are much easier to deliver from the facility; The employees are responsible for more services than before, yet are able to deliver

Key contact: Cheryl Horton