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Town of Madrid (population 1735)

Name of service/government operation: E 911 Dispatching Service

Form of sharing: County wide dispatch service

Services affected: Fire and Rescue

Year started: 1990?

Partners: All municipalities, County, and State Emergency Services

Primary goal(s)/motivation(s): to provide uniform and efficient dispatching operations for emergency response agencies

What planning process preceded the sharing? years of planning and discussion and a radio communications study of the county

What governance structures and/or agreements are required to maintain this agreement? An agreement between the municipalities, the county, and New York State Police

Challenges: Staffing, training, and division of duties/responsibilities

Benefits: uniform dispatching of emergency response agencies and inter agency cooperation and coordination

Impact on budget: results in a cost savings through efficiency of a centralized facility

Impact on labor: reduced labor demands versus individual communities operating their own dispatch operations

Impact on service: much better service and coordination

Key contact: Joseph Gilbert, Director of the SLC Department of Emergency Services