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Town of Madrid (population 1735)

Name of service/government operation: Shared use/ownership of Highway Paving Equipment and Services

Form of sharing: Shared ownership of the equipment, operational expense, and labor requirements

Services affected: highway construction and maintenance

Year started: 1995

Partners: Town of Waddington

Primary goal(s)/motivation(s): To cut highway construction and maintenance costs and to facilitate most efficient use of materials, equipment, and labor

What planning process preceded the sharing? general discussion and pricing investigation

What governance structures and/or agreements are required to maintain this agreement? We drafted a formal shared services agreement

Challenges: scheduling and availability of materials

Benefits: reduced costs to both municipalities and flexibility in scheduling the work

Impact on budget: the purchase costs of the equipment have been surpassed by savings in equipment rental and charges for this process by other governments and private contractors

Impact on labor: none

Impact on service: improved efficiency of labor and cost savings in purchase of materials

Key contact: William Barkley, Highway Superintendent