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Town of Woodhull (population 1719)

Name of service/government operation: 2 Shared services agreements for Highway equipment (dozer, crusher, loader)

Form of sharing: joint purchase

Services affected: road maintenance

Year started: 2000

Partners: Troupsburg, Tuscarora, Steuben County, Jasper, Cameron

Primary goal(s)/motivation(s): share the cost and maintenance of equipment between various towns

What planning process preceded the sharing? need, cost

What governance structures and/or agreements are required to maintain this agreement? loacal agreements

Challenges: 1 Some municipalities use/abuse equipment more than they should; 2 accounting of maintenance; 3 transportation of vehicles

Benefits: maintenance performed,

Impact on budget: minimal

Impact on labor: minimal

Impact on service: schedule needs to be approved around busy cycles for all areas

Key contact: Highway Superintendents, Town supervisors