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Town of Reading (population 1707)

Name of service/government operation: Town of Reading

Form of sharing: joint purchase of wood and brush chipper

Year started: 2002

Partners: Towns of Reading ,Dix, Montour, Hector, Orange, and Schuyler County

Primary goal(s)/motivation(s): New Machine with minimal cost to multiple partners, budget constraints for individual municipal purchase

What planning process preceded the sharing? Drafting a formal written IMA

What governance structures and/or agreements are required to maintain this agreement? Insurance and maintenance is provided by one agency and cost are back billed to the partners depending on percentages

Challenges: none at this point

Benefits: cost savings

Impact on budget: cost savings

Impact on labor: n/a

Impact on service: better service to residents

Key contact: Martin Roberts/Superintendent 607-535-7459 ext. 104