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Town of Austerlitz (population 1654)

Name of service/government operation: Canaan, Austerlitz, Hillsdale Shared Services

Form of sharing: Code Enforcement

Services affected: Zoning, Building Code

Year started: 2010

Partners: Austerlitz, Canaan, & Hillsdale Townships

Primary goal(s)/motivation(s): To save money, provide professional service and to service the population well

What planning process preceded the sharing? Discussions between Supervisors and CEO

What governance structures and/or agreements are required to maintain this agreement? A Memorandum of Understanding

Challenges: Costs, equipment and good software

Benefits: Excellent service to the public, lower cost to the Towns

Impact on budget: Minimal, Service is self sustaining

Impact on labor: None

Impact on service: Improved

Key contact: L Heim, CEO 518-392-3260