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Town of DeRuyter (population 1589)

Name of service/government operation: Town of DeRuyter

Form of sharing: Shared Municipal Building

Services affected: municipal offices, court facilities, Sheriff's Dept. field office, library services, food bank

Year started: 1980, renewed 2012 (building renovation)

Partners: Town of DeRuyter, Madison County Sheriff's Department, DeRuyter Free Library, DeRuyter Community Sercvices

Primary goal(s)/motivation(s): Reduce costs, provide efficient service delivery

What governance structures and/or agreements are required to maintain this agreement? Rental agreements

Challenges: sharing utility/maintenance costs

Benefits: efficient delivery of services, excellent use of existing building, reduced costs for all agencies

Impact on budget: minimal impact on municipal budget; however, significant cost savings for library and community services

Impact on labor: n/a

Impact on service: n/a

Key contact: Town Supervisor