City of Oneonta (population 13901)
Name of service/government operation: Fire and Ambulance provided to the Town of Oneonta
Form of sharing: Professional staff to provide covereage
Services affected: Fire and Ambulance
Partners: City of Oneonta and Town of Oneonta
Primary goal(s)/motivation(s): Provide professional full time staffing for calls to the Town of Oneonta residents.
What planning process preceded the sharing? don't really know, before my tenure
What governance structures and/or agreements are required to maintain this agreement? MOU between the City and Town
Challenges: Costs continue to rise, town residents don't want to pay more for services.
Benefits: The City derives revenue which helps offset the operating costs so that we can afford to have an ambulance service and paid fire fighters.
Impact on budget: Revenue source that pays approximately one third of the department expenses.
Impact on labor: Expanded staffing to cover additional call volumes.
Impact on service: Have the ability of the city to continue to provide professional service.
Key contact: Meg Hungerford, Director of Finance