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Town of Horicon (population 1389)

Name of service/government operation: Assesor

Form of sharing: Shared Assesing District for two towns

Services affected: All assessing

Year started: 2000+or-

Partners: Town of Horicon and Chester

Primary goal(s)/motivation(s): The two towns make up the bulk of the North Warren School District and to have a stable tax rate we needed to be a consolidated taxing district.

What planning process preceded the sharing? Dont know

What governance structures and/or agreements are required to maintain this agreement? An mou is in place until one party wants out.

Challenges: None

Benefits: It saves us Money and works great with the school district.

Impact on budget: This saves the two towns in the neighborhood of $25,000 a year.

Impact on labor: saves

Impact on service: Provides better service than 2 assessors.

Key contact: Paul Maniacek