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Town of Pinckney (population 329)

Name of service/government operation: 3 town shared tractor

Form of sharing: A tractor for mowing roadsides and sweeping between neighboring towns

Services affected: Roadside mowing

Year started: 2007

Partners: Harrisburg, Pinckney and Montague

Primary goal(s)/motivation(s): One tractor with mower and sweeper to service the three townships

What planning process preceded the sharing? We worked together through the grant process with Montague as lead agency Coming up with an IMA. When we renewed the contract this year , we made a few changes.

What governance structures and/or agreements are required to maintain this agreement? A cooperative IMA , record keeping on the part of operator.

Challenges: Each township has their own ideas on maintenance , who should operate, etc., As supervisor it is a challenge to come up with a working formula to share the cost of operation

Benefits: Minimal cost to have the road sides maintained. Shared cost of the tractor and repairs

Impact on budget: The reduced cost of maintenance and repairs

Impact on labor: one temporary summer employee rather than taking away from our regular manpower.

Impact on service: The roads are being mowed more consistently.

Key contact: Sherry Harmych, Supervisor Town of Pinckeny