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Town of Pinckney (population 329)

Name of service/government operation: HMP shared Court

Form of sharing: Single justice for 3 towns

Services affected: Court

Year started: 2010

Partners: Harrisburg, Montague, Pinckney

Primary goal(s)/motivation(s): One justice serving 3 courts at one location

What planning process preceded the sharing? Lots! The Tug HIll commission , and past Justice John Woods were instrumantal in getting this together. Along with the 5th judicial district

What governance structures and/or agreements are required to maintain this agreement? We have an IMA for the justice and building. Election law had to be changed

Challenges: The time it took to get this finalized.

Benefits: Being 3 small towns one justice can easily handle the caseload.

Impact on budget: None, We eash still have to pay the justice and court clerk plus benifits, There is the cost of rent for the building for Pinckney and MOntague. We each still have to pay for the electronic licensing program. So ther was actually no savings. <br> If the justice department would allow the Justice to use one computer and one licensing program there would be savings.

Impact on labor: None

Impact on service: I think it makes things easier having one central location.

Key contact: Sherry Harmych, Supervisor, Town of Pinckney