Village of Ossining (population 25060)
Name of service/government operation: Town of OssiningJustice Court
Form of sharing: Dissolution of Village Court; enlargement of Town Court
Services affected: All court-related services (including Parking Violations Bureau)
Year started: 2012
Partners: Village and Town of Ossining
Primary goal(s)/motivation(s): cost savings and functional efficiency
What planning process preceded the sharing? Two years of investigations, study, and interim negotiations
What governance structures and/or agreements are required to maintain this agreement? IMA and lease agreement
Challenges: maintenance of local control of health, security, and safety issues, specifically with respect to housing and property maintenance
Benefits: minimal decrease in cost to Village
Impact on budget: nominal increase in revenue
Impact on labor: demotion and decrease in salary; three out of seven non-judicial employees no longer working in Ossining Court
Impact on service: negative impact on adjudication of Village quality of life issues, including those related to housing, code enforcement, traffic and parking.
Key contact: Village of Ossining Corporation Counsel Lori Lee Dickson