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Village of Johnson City (population 15174)

Name of service/government operation: Shared Fire Chief with Village of Endicott

Form of sharing: half time in each municipality (1 fire chief - 2 municipal fire departments)

Services affected: fire services

Year started: 2009

Partners: Villages of Johnson City and Endicott

Primary goal(s)/motivation(s): Cut cost of having individual fire chiefs in each municipality

What planning process preceded the sharing? cost/benefit analysis of having a part-time chief vs a full time chief and can a part-time chief adequately manage each of the village fire department operations?

What governance structures and/or agreements are required to maintain this agreement? Intermunicipal Agreement (IMA)

Challenges: administration of two Village Fire Departments with 1 chief

Benefits: less cost, consistency between fire department operations in 2 villages

Impact on budget: cost savings

Impact on labor: none

Impact on service: theoretically none

Key contact: Mayor Greg Deemie 607 798-7861