Village of Bronxville (population 6323)
Name of service/government operation: Village of Bronxville Dept. of Public Works
Form of sharing: DPW Equipment
Services affected: Public Works
Year started: Prior 2000
Partners: Village of Tuckahoe and Town of Eastchester
Primary goal(s)/motivation(s): Motivation behind sharing specialized municipal equipment was the understanding that none of us could afford and/or maintain an individual piece
What planning process preceded the sharing? Planning was among the individual department heads for each Municipality
What governance structures and/or agreements are required to maintain this agreement? Do not have a formal written agreement
Challenges: None. Under present department leadership all three communities work well together
Benefits: No need for each community to purchase specialized equipment.
Impact on budget: Fiscal Impact has not been analyized. However inital costs for the equipment is a realized savings
Impact on labor: None. We provide our own labor
Impact on service: The sharing of equipment provides for uninterrupted services
Key contact: Rocco Circosta (