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Village of Fairport (population 5353)

Name of service/government operation: Road Salt

Form of sharing: Joined with the town to apply for a grant to build a shared facility at the towns new DPW site.

Services affected: Highway maintenance

Year started: 2003

Partners: Town of Perinton

Primary goal(s)/motivation(s): Reduce cost to the village to actual use and necessity to build a salt storage facility at our new DPW site.

What planning process preceded the sharing? Agreement on the cost, logistics and availability of road salt when needed.

What governance structures and/or agreements are required to maintain this agreement? Intermunicipal Agreement

Challenges: None

Benefits: Village has a pay as you go cost. All crews can be on the road without need to man loader.

Impact on budget: This and other changes led to the ability not to fill on position at retirement.

Impact on labor: See above

Impact on service: None

Key contact: Ken Moore, Administrator