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Chemung County (population 88830)

Name of service/government operation: Purchasing Department

Form of sharing: County Purchasing Department oversees all purchasing and bid requirements for the County and the City

Services affected: all purchasing

Year started: 2009

Partners: County/City/several towns

Primary goal(s)/motivation(s): to consolidate all purchasing operations and bidding process for all local governments in the County.

What planning process preceded the sharing? numerous meetings with elected officials and department heads

What governance structures and/or agreements are required to maintain this agreement? intermunicipal agreements

Challenges: to get all local governments within the County under the same department

Benefits: uniform purchasing, reduce costs, professional operation

Impact on budget: $100,000 savings on personnel. Several hundred thousand in savings by going out to bid on many items and services county-wide.

Impact on labor: insignificant

Impact on service: far better

Key contact: Peggy Chalk, Purchasing Director