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Village of Sidney (population 3900)

Name of service/government operation: Planning Boards - Delaware County with the Villages Planning Board

Form of sharing: review of plans before the Board, sharing of rules

Services affected: Planing and site plan reviews

Year started: 2008

Partners: Delaware county

What planning process preceded the sharing? the need to get training to the members and the County stepped up; then we learned on them for more itmes needed and they need the Village; since we are not in the NYC water shed - good area to be developed

What governance structures and/or agreements are required to maintain this agreement? annual written agreement

Challenges: timing

Benefits: good feed back to the Village and it keeps the Village in the rada of the County

Impact on budget: $3,500 to be off set with sending the members to training schools maindated by NYS

Impact on labor: none

Impact on service: improved

Key contact: Rick Roberts