Village of Minoa (population 3449)
Name of service/government operation: Minoa Ambulance
Form of sharing: Private / Public
Services affected: Community based ambulance service
Year started: 41091
Partners: Village of Minoa / WAVES Ambulance Corp
Primary goal(s)/motivation(s): The village could no longer afford to properly staff and manage our municipal ambulance service due to major loss of sales tax revenue to the county. Through RFP process developed an innovative publc/private partnership with WAVES Ambulance Corporation to furnish management & Staffing enabling the village to continue with a community based ambulance service at a much higher standard than we could otherwise afford.
What planning process preceded the sharing? Many steps had to be taken both legal and in-house of expenses for the quality of service provided the final descision were made as a result of an RFP asking for creative ideas.
What governance structures and/or agreements are required to maintain this agreement? We have a one year contract renewalb upon satisfactory performance with a 30 day out clause for poor performance.
Challenges: Our original staff was union and we had to address that issue along with civil service regulations. We had to sell the concept to our fire department as well as the public.
Benefits: We have a much better service for less money. We can utilize staff & management resourses provided by WAVES because that is their only business.
Impact on budget: 8 full time employees officiall lost their jobs and 6 of those 8 were hired by WAVES - net loss 2
Impact on labor: Tremendous improvement! We went from one supervisor to 3 supervisor with one being a physican. Guaranteed 24/7 coverage which we couldn't do ourselves before.
Key contact: Richard Donovan, Mayor