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Village of Honeoye Falls (population 2674)

Name of service/government operation: Shared Services Agreement - Building Inspector

Form of sharing: Joint Use

Services affected: Building Inspection

Year started: 2012

Partners: Town of Lima & Village of Lima, NY

Primary goal(s)/motivation(s): Cost savings to residents and positive improvement of services.

What planning process preceded the sharing? Open discussion amongst municipalities to understand need and develop plan.

What governance structures and/or agreements are required to maintain this agreement? Simple written agreement and continual review.

Challenges: Communication amongst the municipalities, but only because the program is new.

Benefits: Potential cost savings to municipalities, enhanced services to the communities.

Impact on budget: To be determined.

Impact on labor: Allowed a retiring employee to be replaced with another full time employee.

Impact on service: Positive enhancement, utilizing one person to handle the duties previously handled by two.

Key contact: Rick Milne - Mayor, Honeoye Falls