Village of Green Island (population 2620)
Name of service/government operation: Paramedic and Ambulance service
Form of sharing: same
Services affected: same
Year started: 2010
Partners: Watervliet and Green Island
Primary goal(s)/motivation(s): The City of Watervliet provides ambulance transport service to Green Island.
What planning process preceded the sharing? Leaders from both communities met frequently over the course of a year. We also coordinated with the NYS DOH.
What governance structures and/or agreements are required to maintain this agreement? MSA and Certificate of Need (CON) from NYSDOH.
Challenges: Obtaining the CON was a cumbersome task.
Benefits: Maintaining a high level of service between two fire departments that work very well together on all aspects of fire/ems service already.
Impact on budget: none
Impact on labor: none
Impact on service: Greatly impacted ambulance service very positively in our community.
Key contact: Sean Ward