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Village of Red Hook (population 1961)

Name of service/government operation: Highway Department

Form of sharing: Town needed a new garage and operations facility immediately and village has existing older facility that would eventually need replacement. Village residents pay a

Services affected: Highway construction, maintenance, snow plowing, etc

Year started: 2012

Partners: Town of Red Hook and Village of Red Hook

Primary goal(s)/motivation(s): See above,Coordination of physical plant and expensive vehicle purchases. seeking grant to study all ramifications.

What planning process preceded the sharing? The Town was using an antique quonset hut with aged mechanicals and unsafe conditions for workers. There was a huge need for a modern, safe and clean work space. Funds had been approved years ago but political opposition to actually building the structure held it back. The village studied its long term needs and lent its support and helped get the process going.

What governance structures and/or agreements are required to maintain this agreement? We have an MOU.

Challenges: What is next step? Town has an elected Highway Supt, we have a foreman. What is best long term management option. What is best truck purchase option? All things we need to study.

Benefits: Huge benefits - we no longer need to build our own garage in the future. We have coordinated stock piles of sand/salt, fuel and share expenses by agreed log system.

Impact on budget: New program but village tax payers would already pay for the garage and now we get to use a portion of it.

Impact on labor: Village staff is unionized and town is not but there have not been any issues.

Impact on service: We always had great service and still do.

Key contact: Ed Blundell - Mayor