Village of Dryden (population 1890)
Name of service/government operation: Tompkins County Counsel of Government-Consortium
Form of sharing: Joint Purchase
Services affected: health Insurance for local government's employees
Year started: about 2009
Partners: Tompkins County and City of Ithaca plus all village and towns in county plus Cortland City
Primary goal(s)/motivation(s): save money and improve options /plans to go with.
What planning process preceded the sharing? thorough analysis of how this could benefit participants and still provide good affordable heaslth care options/care
What governance structures and/or agreements are required to maintain this agreement? part of a contracted group ministered by Tompkins County
Challenges: multi unions that did not trust system but learned by trying that it was the way to go to have "controlled" increases of health care costs.
Benefits: cost savings and controlled increases for service.
Impact on budget: reduces costs
Impact on labor: nothing locally-recognized at county level that administrates this program
Impact on service: after initial glitches-system seems to work now-no known complaints at this time.
Key contact: unknown in Tompkins Couty-I believe person is at HR for county