Village of Norwood (population 1657)
Name of service/government operation: Norwood-Norfolk Central School
Form of sharing: Water Line from village to school
Services affected: water
Year started: 2008
Partners: Norwood Village-NNCS (School)
Primary goal(s)/motivation(s): school unable to provide students good water quality
What planning process preceded the sharing? Met with New York State, school and village
What governance structures and/or agreements are required to maintain this agreement? Contract whereby school pays village $5.00 per 1000 gallons for water. Line constructed village to school. Project awarded Environmental Project of Year (2008)by NYS Central NY Engineers.
Challenges: Acquiring grant from NYS to construct.
Benefits: Acceptable water quality for students
Impact on budget: Great value for school a and enhanced water budget for village
Impact on labor: Additional work for local contractors
Impact on service: Positive
Key contact: Mayor Jim McFaddin--School Superintendent Bess Kirnie