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Genesee County (population 60079)

Name of service/government operation: County Wide Water Project

Form of sharing: multi county and local government intermunicipal expansion of public water lines

Services affected: public water access

Year started: 1997

Partners: Genesee, Monroe and Erie Counties, NYS ,City of Batavia, 13 Towns and Villages in GC,

Primary goal(s)/motivation(s): Expand public water supply in rural county and to replace /upgrade functionally obsolete City of Batavia water treatment plant and make public water affordable and available to at least 70% of GC population

What planning process preceded the sharing? County Comprehensive plan , Smart growth plan, multiple public forums to explain and vet potential $54 million 2 phase CIP. this was basically a 2 year process

What governance structures and/or agreements are required to maintain this agreement? approx. 20 + intermunicipal agreements and special enabling NYS legislation to perm it cross county access to publically treated water from adjacent urban water authorities in Erie and Monroe Counties.

Challenges: local control, lack of sense of urgency, ability to finance and cost effectively extend water lines to as many locations as initially planned.

Benefits: increased access to reliable , health public water and enhanced Economic development opportunities due to available public water supply in designated SMART growth areas in 500 sq. mile County.

Impact on budget: Long term debt and coverage by surcharge on metered usage to break even over life of bonds. ability to generate "surplus" to be able to help finance 2nd Phase of water infrastructure in harder to serve parts of County

Impact on labor: N/A

Impact on service: Enhanced water quality, consistent adherence to DEC/EPA treatment requirements, new economic development/businesses coming to county due to shovel ready nature of Corporate /business parks

Key contact: Jay A. Gsell, County Manager Genesee County , 585-344-2550 x 2204