Village of Schuylerville (population 1386)
Name of service/government operation: Town of Saratoga
Form of sharing: DPW services
Services affected: road work and maintenance
Year started: 2012
Partners: Village of Schuylerville and Town of Saratoga
Primary goal(s)/motivation(s): Shared equipment and manpower when needed
What planning process preceded the sharing? the Town presented a contract for approval by the Village Board
What governance structures and/or agreements are required to maintain this agreement? none other than the contract
Challenges: None...this agreement has worked for years without a contract and is expected to continue to do so.
Benefits: Benefits both parties in time of need
Impact on budget: not sure there would be any
Impact on labor: should not have a impact
Impact on service: Better service to residents of both governments in the event of need.
Key contact: John Sherman, Mayor 518/695-3881