Genesee County (population 60079)
Name of service/government operation: Genesee /Orleans PUblic Health Admin.
Form of sharing: Dept Head/ Admin joint mgnmt
Services affected: Public health
Year started: 2012
Partners: Genesee and Orleans County and NYS DOH
Primary goal(s)/motivation(s): Cost effective, Efficient , creative service delivery and oversight of 2 rural county health Depts.
What planning process preceded the sharing? Exploration with NYSDOH, special Legislation, intermunicipal agreements, Bd of Health coordination and consent in both counties
What governance structures and/or agreements are required to maintain this agreement? Shared services agreements between 2 counties after NYS enabling Legislation
Challenges: initial parochial attitudes of Bds of health in 2 counties
Benefits: coordinated services, better use of unique talents of underlying staff and enhanced GIS capabilites for tracking environmemntal issues like private water and septic systems
Impact on budget: initial savings of about $100,000. with consolidated staff and not refilling some vacancies; also qualified for RWJ 2 yr National Demonstration grant of $145,000. on shared services that may be replicable around the Country
Impact on labor: no impact, less government workers
Impact on service: enhanced, more economical services
Key contact: Paul Pettit, Dir of Public Health, Genesee County Health Dept. 585-344-2550 x5001