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Village of Cape Vincent (population 726)

Name of service/government operation: Highways maintenance and construction.

Form of sharing: Equipment and personnel

Services affected: Village, Town and County Roads

Year started: 20 +

Partners: (V) Cape Vincent, (T) Cape Vincent, Jefferson County Highway Dept.

Primary goal(s)/motivation(s): Address road maintenance and construction needs with shared equipment and manpower, negating the requirement of each entity to purchase and maintain the same equipment.

What planning process preceded the sharing? Superintendents cooperation and planning of schedules for seasonal work.

What governance structures and/or agreements are required to maintain this agreement? Approvals from each governing body.

Challenges: Creating and meeting realistic schedules for each of the 3 entities, while still meeting the needs of each.

Benefits: Cost savings for each entity, utilization of skilled personnel from each entity, growth in cooperation within all entities.

Impact on budget: Minor

Impact on labor: Minor

Impact on service: Moderate

Key contact: Marty Mason, Superintendent - Village of Cape Vincent, 315-654-2533