Village of Corfu (population 709)
Name of service/government operation: General Maintenance/Sewer
Form of sharing: Use of Equipment & Manpower
Services affected: Maintenance/Sewer
Year started: 2005
Partners: Area Villages and Towns
Primary goal(s)/motivation(s): Cost savings on equipment rental, manpower - Create continued Cooperative relationships
What planning process preceded the sharing? Individual meetings and development of written shared services agreements with other municipalities.
What governance structures and/or agreements are required to maintain this agreement? Have written Shared Service agreements - Maintenance is achieved through continued cooperative attitudes between personnel. We have an incredible crew on staff.
Challenges: Making sure too much time is not spent on outside projects with other municipalities to concern Village residents about benefits.
Benefits: Great attitude of cooperation maintained, cost savings on equipment and manpower.
Impact on budget: Cost savings on equipment and manpower.
Impact on labor: Time saving for personnel on projects that would otherwise necessitate hiring temporary employees experienced on certain equipment, etc.
Impact on service: Ability to pursue in-house projects that would normally have to be done by outside sources.
Key contact: Mayor Todd Skeet, 716-864-7756 email: