Village of Cassadaga (population 634)
Name of service/government operation: Town of Arkwright
Form of sharing: Fire Protection
Services affected: Safety
Year started: 1970
Partners: Town of Arkwright
Primary goal(s)/motivation(s): We provide fire and ambulance service to Fire District 1 as they do not have a Fire Dept.
What planning process preceded the sharing? Lot of discussion between the two for services and cost.
What governance structures and/or agreements are required to maintain this agreement? A contract for services is past every 5 years now.
Challenges: Requires our Volunteer Fire Department to respond to many more calls.
Benefits: We receive money from the Town of Arkwright that helps off set Fire Department cost and new equipment.
Impact on budget: Great impact; we do not have to put the burden of new equipment solely on our village taxpayers.
Impact on labor: The Volunteer Fire Department responds to many calls in the Arkwright area, even more than in the village limits.
Impact on service: We have an excellent volunteer group.