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Village of Cassadaga (population 634)

Name of service/government operation: Town of Stockton

Form of sharing: Share in road maintenance, zoning officer, assessor, dog control

Services affected: Roads, zoning

Year started: 1930's for roads, 2011 for zoning

Partners: Town Of Stockton Board

Primary goal(s)/motivation(s): The two municpalities share manpower when needed for repairs, maintenance on roads. We started sharing zoning officer to save money and also the Assessor.

What planning process preceded the sharing? Discussion held between the two boards about zoning officer.

What governance structures and/or agreements are required to maintain this agreement? A yearly Service Agreement is past each year for zoning officer.

Challenges: The Zoning Officer is not as assesible as the one we had.

Benefits: Monetary Savings

Impact on budget: Slight, but every bit helps.

Impact on labor: Zoning Officer retired.

Impact on service: Zoning enforcement is not as strong.

Key contact: Roxanne