Village of Wampsville (population 543)
Name of service/government operation: Town of Lenox
Form of sharing: Codes Enforcement, Assessment and Dog Control
Year started: unknown
Partners: Village of Wampsville/Town of Lenox
Primary goal(s)/motivation(s): To provide these needed services to village residents at a low cost and the most cost effective way without employee benefits costs.
What planning process preceded the sharing? There is no planning process
What governance structures and/or agreements are required to maintain this agreement? Codes Enforcement agreement is done on a yearly basis. Assessment and Dog Control fall under the responsibility of the township.
Challenges: This has worked very well in the past.
Benefits: Provides much needed services to the village residents at a very low cost without having to encumber the costs of additional village employees.
Impact on budget: Very low impact on the budget.
Impact on labor: No impact on Labor.
Impact on service: The village receives very good services from the Town of Lenox.
Key contact: Sandra A. Eaton - Mayor