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Town of Lysander (population 21759)

Name of service/government operation: Canton Woods Senior Center

Form of sharing: Financial sharing with Town of VanBuren and Village of Baldwinsville

Services affected: Senior Citizens Activities

Partners: Town of VanBuren and Village of Baldwinsville

Primary goal(s)/motivation(s): To provide better services to our growing senior population

What planning process preceded the sharing? I was not involved.

What governance structures and/or agreements are required to maintain this agreement? The Village maintains and own the facility and administers the staff. The two towns pay equally for the expenses but the Seniors are responsible for some of the costs.

Challenges: Administering the staff and most of all having responsibility for the funding of the programs and support staff.

Benefits: Our center is one of the best in the County of Onondaga and services a large number of seniors on a daily basis.

Impact on budget: We are unable to increase our contribution with the 2% tax levy limit.

Impact on labor: Difficult to give reaises.

Impact on service: We try not to impact programs and therefore look to the seniors to provide financial support.

Key contact: Ruth