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Town of Ogden (population 19856)

Name of service/government operation: Highway

Form of sharing: plowing, salting, maintaining roads

Services affected: road maintenance

Year started: A long time ago

Partners: County/State/Town

Primary goal(s)/motivation(s): To provide these services more inexpensively for the County and State

What planning process preceded the sharing? Negotiations every year on what the cost will be

What governance structures and/or agreements are required to maintain this agreement? Signed agreement every year

Challenges: Negotiations

Benefits: Increased revenues for the town

Impact on budget: Great if we at least get what it costs us...not so good otherwise

Impact on labor: Keeps highway force working through the winter

Impact on service: Since we have the best Highway Dept. in Monroe County.....the county/state and town roads in our town are maintained in an exceptional manner. We hear it all the time.

Key contact: Dave Widger, Highway Supt.,