Town of Ogden (population 19856)
Name of service/government operation: Building Inspection
Form of sharing: Shared our Building Inspector with Village of Spencerport
Services affected: Building Inspection services
Year started: 2002
Partners: Town of Ogden & Village of Spencerport
Primary goal(s)/motivation(s): For the town to provide part time building inspection services, so that the village did not need to hire another employee.
What planning process preceded the sharing? Both governments studied the financials and decided that the Village could save dollars, and the town could receive some extra remuneration.
What governance structures and/or agreements are required to maintain this agreement? A yearly Intermunicipal Agreement signed by the Mayor and the Supervisor
Challenges: Change of leadership and board members in the village brought into question the necessity of this IMA. When everyone was educated, it has been ongoing
Benefits: The village has saved money and the town has received additional income. the partnership has resulted also better communication between municipalities.
Impact on budget: More revenues
Impact on labor: None
Impact on service: Both municipalities are receiving consistent service.
Key contact: Gay H. Lenhard, Ogden Supervisor,; 585-617-6128