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Town of Thompson (population 15308)

Name of service/government operation: Town of Thompson with YMCA

Form of sharing: 7-Week Summer Youth Camp

Services affected: Youth ages 7-15

Year started: 2008

Partners: YMCA and Town of Thompson

Primary goal(s)/motivation(s): Provide a 7-week summer day camp at an affordable price. $225 for the entire season.

What planning process preceded the sharing? Extensive discussions with YMCA and Town

What governance structures and/or agreements are required to maintain this agreement? Agreement w/YMCA and Town

Challenges: Limited to 200 campers and it could be larger

Benefits: Assisting working parents/guardians with children for the 7-summer weeks

Impact on budget: Costs are shared with Town and YMCA

Impact on labor: Increased labor with Directors and Counselors

Impact on service: Affordable Day Car

Key contact: Anthony P. Cellini, Town of Thompson - Ira Besdansky, YMCA