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Town of Victor (population 14275)

Name of service/government operation: FLMHIT

Form of sharing: Health Care

Year started: 2010

Partners: 12 Municipalities

Primary goal(s)/motivation(s): Purchase Health Care with the benefit of having large quanities of contacts

What planning process preceded the sharing? 9 Months of working to form the Consortsium

What governance structures and/or agreements are required to maintain this agreement? Agreements between the 12 Municipalites, Board of Trustees

Benefits: Capped Health care rates = not exceed %

Impact on budget: Costs savings on a annual basis, purchasing power.

Impact on labor: Labor has a voice at the table with Management

Impact on service: The Members of this Health Care Trust are now treated like a top 10m Customer by the Health Care Providers. Improved Customer Service

Key contact: Jack Marren, (Chairman FLMHIT)